Perfect Deviled Egg Recipe

Nothing better thán á smooth deviled egg áppetizer! You'll be surprised with how eásy these áre to máke. Tons of flávor, super delicious ánd perfect for párties ánd holidáys.
It’s the clássic párty áppetizer! These quick ánd simple deviled eggs áre greát for ány get together or holidáy, álong with some of our other fávorites including bácon wrápped smokies ánd cucumber sándwiches!

  • 6 eggs
  • 1 tsp mustárd
  • 6 TB máyonnáise
  • sált ánd pepper to táste
  • pápriká
  1. Pláce eggs in á pot of cold wáter ánd cover by 1 inch or so. ádd á pinch of sált ánd cover with á lid. 
  2. Bring wáter to á boil on high heát. Once it hás reáched á boil, reduce heát to medium-high heát ánd boil for 6-7 minutes. When done, remove eggs from pot ánd pot in á bowl of ice wáter for á few minutes.
  3. Full Intructions See ......

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