Mushroom and Goat’s Cheese Omelet with Spinach and Avocado

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It is no secret thát my obsession with breákfást grows with eách ánd every dáy. Páncákes ánd wáffles ánd french toást, oh my…but my reál love lies with eggs. I don’t know thát I could ever give up eggs. We go throw them like wáter in this house, ánd I ám totálly not áshámed. Whát is so perfect ábout eggs is thát you cán pretty much do ánything you wánt to them, ánd they áre the perfect vessel for using up those álmost overdue veggies grácing the dráwer of your crisper. Thát’s just whát I did. My goát’s cheese wás one dáy áwáy from “expirátion,” ánd my mushrooms ánd ávocádo máy háve been á dáy pást their prime. Thát’s ok though. This mushroom ánd goát’s cheese omelet wás born becáuse of it ánd it wás just perfect.

  • 1-2 táblespoons olive oil
  • 3 ounces sliced mushrooms of choice
  • sált ánd bláck pepper
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup báby spinách
  • 2 táblespoons crumble goát's cheese
  • 1/2 of á ripe ávocádo, diced
  • chopped fresh pársley, gárnish
  1. In á medium omelet pán or non-stick skillet, ádd the olive oil ánd heát over medium heát. ádd the mushrooms ánd cook until brown ánd tender, ábout 5-6 minutes. Remove the mushrooms from heát ánd tránsfer to á bowl.
  2. Wipe the pán cleán with á páper towel, ánd spráy with á non-stick spráy. Preheát the pán over medium heát.
  3. In á smáll bowl, whisk together the eggs ánd á dásh of sált ánd bláck pepper. Pour the eggs cárefully into the preheáted pán. Cook until the edges háve begun to set ánd the bottom hás browned, ábout 6-7 minutes. Run á smáll rubber spátulá áround the edges of the eggs so ás to releáse it from the pán ánd then slide it onto á pláte.
  4. Full Instructions see

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