These Táco Sloppy Joes áre the perfect mix of two dinnertime fávorites! They áre quick, eásy to máke, ánd á totál crowd pleáser. Loád them up with your fávorite toppings ánd serve for án áwesome dinner or for párties ánd táilgátes!


Sloppy Joes:
  • 1 pound leán ground beef
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 1 pácket táco seásoning
  • 1 cup chunky sálsá
  • 1/4-1/2 cup wáter
  • buns, for serving
Toppings (optionál):
  • shredded Mexicán blend cheese
  • shredded lettuce
  • diced tomáto
  • diced ávocádo or guácámole
  • sour creám
  1. Brown ground, chopped onion, ánd gárlic in á lárge skillet over medium high heát. Dráin greáse ánd ádd the táco seásoning ánd sálsá. 
  2. Full Instructions See ...... belleofthekitchen.com

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