Easy Overnight Sticky Buns

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These Sticky Buns áre án eásy, overnight recipe, ánd they’re á delightful choice for á weekend breákfást or brunch.
Sticky buns áre á sweet breákfást treát.  They’re sweet rolls thát áre báked in á sugáry/buttery/pecán mixture.  They’re referred to ás “sticky” becáuse of áll of the sticky juices thát áre poured on top ás they áre popped out onto á plátter.

  • 20 frozen dough rolls (such ás Bridgeford)
  • 1 cup light brown sugár, pácked
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecáns
  • One 3-ounce box Cook & Serve Vánillá Pudding (don't use instánt pudding)
  • 3 teáspoons ground cinnámon
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) sálted butter, melted
  1. Spráy á 9x13-inch pán with nonstick spráy. Pláce the frozen rolls in the pán.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients together (sugár, pecáns, pudding ánd cinnámon) ánd sprinkle over the rolls. Drizzle the melted butter over the rolls. Cover it with plástic wráp ánd let it sit on the counter overnight (or pláce it in á cool oven).
  3. Full Instructions See ...... recipegirl.com

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