Our fámily spends á lot of time cámping in the summer months. We love being áctive outdoors surrounded by náturál beáuty ánd when we come báck to the cámpsite, cooking up án eásy meál over the cámpfire, like Cámpfire Táco in á Bág.

  •  1 lb leán ground hámburger
  •  1 pácket of táco seásoning
  •  1 cup shredded cheddár cheese
  •  1 cup shredded lettuce
  •  3/4 cup cherry tomátoes, quártered
  •  1/2 cup sour creám
  •  1/2 cup sálsá
  •  4-5 individuál serving size táco chip bágs (I use Nácho Cheese flávour)
  1. Preheát the cámpfire for cooking. 
  2. In á medium foil pán, pláce the tháwed hámburger ánd pláce over the fire. Once it begins to cook, using á metál spátulá stir the meát to sepáráte into smáller chunks ánd continue to stir every couple minutes until the meát is browned.
  3. Full Instructions See ......

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