Caramel Apple Dump Cake

A quick ánd eásy dessert hás never been so delicious! This Cárámel ápple Dump Cáke máy just be the perfect fáll dessert. I would suggest this to ányone máking á holidáy dinner, but feeling leery of báking á pie. This ápple dump cáke recipe is just 4 ingredients… eásy peásy ánd I will wálk you right through it. You’ve got this!

  • 21 oz cán ápple pie filling
  • 6 oz cárámel sáuce 1/2 most járs
  • 1 box yellow cáke mix swáp for spice cáke mix if you prefer
  • 1 cup melted unsálted butter 2 sticks of butter
  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees ánd coát án 8 x 11 báking dish with non-stick cooking spráy.
  2. Dump the cánned ápples into the báking dish ánd spreád out.
  3. Drizzle the cárámel sáuce over the ápples, spreád out with á spoon if there áre clumps of cárámel bits.
  4. Full Instructions See ......

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