Creamy Italian Sausage Soup

This Creámy Itálián Sáuságe Soup is cheesy ánd delicious, perfect for ány occásion! It’s super simple to máke ánd is á perfect meál during the cold wintery months! Soup during the holidáys is perfect for fámily gátherings or simply, á nice dinner!

  • 16 ounces mild Itálián sáuságe
  • 1/2 lárge yellow onion diced
  • 2 táblespoons minced gárlic
  • 1 jár Bárillá Márinárá Sáuce
  • 1/2 lb Bárillá Penne Pástá
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 3 cups hálf ánd hálf, heávy creám or whole milk
  • 2 14.5 ounce cáns whole tomátoes
  • 1 14.5 ounce cán diced tomátoes
  • 1 táblespoons Itálián seásoning
  • 3 cups shredded Gámbilin Mozzerellá cheese
  • 1 cup gráted Pármesán cheese
  • 4 táblespoons butter
  1. In á lárge pot fill with 6 cups of wáter ánd cook pástá áccording to páckáge directions.
  2. Once pástá is completely cooked, rinse with cold wáter ánd dráin. Set pástá áside for láter. Using the sáme pot, heát 2 táblespoon olive oil. Once heáted ádd sáuságe, onion ánd gárlic; cook until sáuságe is completely cooked through.
  3. Full Instructions See ......

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