Beef Stroganoff

Beef is that the cookery name for meat from oxen, notably striated muscle. Humans are ingestion beef since prehistoric times.Beef may be a supply of high-quality supermolecule and nutrients.

Beef striated muscle meat will be used as is by just cutting into bound components roasts, cut of beef or cut of meat (filet mignon, beefsteak, rump steak, rib steak, rib eye cut of meat, hanger cut of meat, etc.), whereas different cuts square measure processed (corned beef or beef jerky). Trimmings, on the opposite hand, square measure sometimes mixed with meat from older, throw (therefore tougher) oxen, are ground, minced or utilized in sausages. The blood is employed in some varieties known as black pudding. different components that square measure consumed embody different muscles and organs, like the tail, liver, tongue, tripe from the reticulum or breadbasket, glands (particularly the exocrine gland and thymus, said as sweetbread), the heart, the brain (although tabu wherever there's a danger of bovine spongiform neurological disorder, BSE, usually said as mad cow disease), the kidneys, and also the tender testicles of the bull (known within the u. s. as calf fries, grassland oysters, or mountain range oysters). Some intestines square measure seared and consumed as is, however square measure additional typically clean and used as natural sausage casings. The bones square measure used for creating beef broth.

Beef from steers and heifers is comparable. reckoning on social science, the quantity of heifers unbroken for breeding varies. The meat from older bulls, as a result of it's sometimes more durable, is often used for mince (known as hamburger within the United States). oxen raised for beef is also allowed to go free on grasslands, or is also confined at some stage in pens as a part of an outsized feeding operation known as a edifice (or focused animal feeding operation), wherever they're sometimes fed a ration of grain, protein, foodstuff and a vitamin/mineral preblend.

  • 1 12 lbs lean beef
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 1 (14 1/2 oz) will stock
  • 1 will cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 medium onion diced
  • 1-2 cloves garlic shredded fine
  • 2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • Olive oil
  • 2 tsp sauce, or to style
  • Salt and pepper
  • Pinch nutmeg
  • 1/4 cup soured cream
  • Flour
  • Egg noodles
  1. Slice beef into 1/2 by two in strips, then place in bowl and drizzle with vegetable oil and bicarbonate of soda, combine to coat beef, cowl and refrigerate for one hour 
  2. Place beef in an exceedingly cullender and rinse beneath cold water, pat with paper towels to dry
  3. In a massive saute pan heat a touch oil and brown meat on all sides, take away from pan put aside
  4. In the same pan soften two tablespoons of butter add onion and mushrooms, saute till most of the wetness has gaseous, then add garlic and saute a second additional 
  5. Sprinkle with concerning two tablespoons of flour, cook stirring for a second or 2 creating a mixture, add stock stirring to unharness any brown bits from bottom of pan, till slightly thickened then add reserved beef, mushroom soup, sauce, and nutmeg. Lower heat to medium low and simmer half-hour or additional if you wish the meat terribly tender, stir sometimes 
  6. Cook egg noodles consistent with package directions, drain
  7. When noodles square measure done, stir soured cream into beef mixture, change seasoning, serve over noodles

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