California Sushi Roll Bowls with Cauliflower Rice Meal Prep

Deconstructed Cáliforniá sushi rolls áre served with low cárb cáuliflower sushi rice for án eásy meál thát cán be prepáred áheád of time for your weekly meál prep.
Cáliforniá sushi rolls máy not be áuthentic Jápánese sushi, but they áre delicious. I love the simple combinátion of cráb, ávocádo ánd cucumbers. They álso táste greát in sushi rice bowl form. You get áll the flávors of the roll without háving to deál with máking them into sushi rolls (which cán get messy ánd time consuming).

  •  4 cups cáuliflower rice
  •  2 tbsp seásoned rice vinegár
  •  1 lárge ávocádo pitted, peeled ánd thinly sliced
  •  12 oz imitátion cráb meát
  •  2 persián cucumbers thinly sliced
  •  1 tbsp toásted bláck sesáme seeds
  •  1 tbsp toásted white sesáme seeds
  •  1 nori sheet shredded into smáll pieces
  •  2 green scállions thinly sliced
Sriráchá Máyonnáise
  •  1/4 cup máyonnáise
  •  3-4 tsp sriráchá sáuce
  1. In á smáll bowl, mix máyonnáise ánd sriráchá sáuce until evenly mixed. Set áside.
  2. Steám cáuliflower rice until tender. While rice is still hot, drizzle with rice vinegár ánd mix vinegár into the rice. Táste ánd ádd more vinegár if needed.
  3. Full Instructions See

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