Chicken Fried Rice

How to fry rice?
The mystery to a super fried rice is to prepare the entirety first as frying rice is going by speedy the usage of the most high heat cooking techniques. And through that, it manner you need to measure the entirety proper before you begin this recipe so that all you need to do is simply throw the whole lot in the pan.

Moreover, perfecting a fried rice, way the use of an afternoon old rice. No sparkling rice please! Fresh-cooked rice has a tendency to get clumpy and soft while you fry it at once. Instead, use leftover rice or cook the rice within the morning, store it inside the refrigerator and fry it inside the night or the day after.

No wok? Don’t worry! You can nonetheless have a delectable and first rate fowl fried rice OR any fried rice the use of a heavy-bottomed skillet.
Once you are secure with the skill of cooking fried rice you can experiment with greater delicious fried rice recipes.

This easy bird fried rice recipe is the follow up of preceding fried rice recipe. As there are numerous bird fried rice recipes out there, this one probable is the most effective one.

  • 11 0z/300 g of chicken left over or 2 cooked bird breast cut into strips.
  •  350g fried rice.
  • 2 0z/50 g snow peas(mangetout), reduce into sticks.
  • 1 small carrot, also cut into sticks.
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil(olive oil).
  • 1 tablespoon mild soya sauce.
  • 1 tablespoon darkish soy sauce.
  • 1 teaspoon corn flour.
  • 1/2 teaspoon bird powder(non-obligatory).
  1. Mix 1 tablespoon light soy sauce with the fowl and set apart.
  2. Heat wok till smoking hot, add oil and swirl across the wok till the oil is warm.
  3. Add snow peas (mangetout) sticks, carrot sticks into the wok. Mix and cook dinner for about 2 mins.
  4. Then add the cooked chicken and blend into the vegetables. Pour 2 tablespoons dark soy sauce over the combination, stirring frequently.
  5. Mix 1 teaspoon corn flour with a few water and pour into the wok, stir and turn blend over. 
  6. Add half of teaspoon bird powder to taste. Divide the rice and bird into four, put fried fowl over the rice and serve. If the rice is cold, 
  7. add returned to the wok and stir fry with chook until is hot.
Of course you could upload other ingredients such as sliced mushroom, crimson peppers, spring onions...Anything takes your fancy. Use your imagination in Chinese cooking can be fun.

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