Homemade Croissants

Bakers Maison has an undying love for all matters baked. As an proper French Bake House, one pastry however is the final indulgence. Hand-made with natural butter and a ceremonial dinner for the eyes, the croissant is a momentous a part of French records. But what is the records of the croissant?

  • 1 1/four cup warm milk
  • 2 1/2 tea. Immediately yeast
  • 3 half cups all-motive flour, plus more for rolling dough
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tea. Salt
  • 9 oz.. (2 1/four sticks) butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 T. Heavy cream
  1. In a medium bowl stir collectively 1 cup of flour, yeast, and heat milk. Milk should be very hot, no longer warm. Let the bowl take a seat for 20 mins for the yeast to bubble.
  2. Once the mixture has bubbled, "bloomed", and  the yeast is alive, add the remaining 2 half cups of flour, sugar, and salt. Stir till blended, dough will be sticky. Turn out onto floured floor and knead for about 2 minutes by using hand till dough is smooth and elastic, however nevertheless tender. Form right into a disc and location on a flour-dusted plate, cowl with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for as a minimum 2 hours, or in a single day.
  3. Once dough has rested inside the refrigerator for a few hours, put together the slab of butter. Using bloodless butter, cut the pieces period-wise, approximately 1/2 inch thick and lay them on parchment paper in a square about 7x7 inches. Cover with every other sheet of parchment paper and use a rolling pin to bang the portions into a uniform slab. Uncover and reduce edges as wished, placing scraps lower back onto the pinnacle. Bang, cut, roll, and measure till you get a good 7x7 inch square of butter. Place it back into the fridge for approximately 10 mins even as you roll out the dough.
  4. Remove dough from the refrigerator and on a flour dusted surface roll dough out to a square about 10x10 inches. Place the cold butter slab in the center, turned around 45° so the butter looks as if a diamond within the middle of the rectangular of dough. Carefully pull each corner of dough over the brink of the butter and to the middle of the butter, urgent down so no air is trapped. Dust the excess flour off, and pinch the rims of dough together once the butter is absolutely blanketed, sealing the butter within the dough.
  5. Press down with the rolling pin some times to seal the layer a touch greater, and then roll out to a rectangle approximately 10x24 inches, seeking to elongate the dough with out widening it.
  6. Fold 1/3 of the dough from the fast quit over itself, and dust the excess flour off. Fold the higher 1/3 on top of the dough, creating a letter fold. Dust excess flour off once more, and place the dough onto a baking sheet, cowl with plastic wrap, and let it rest inside the freezer for 20 minutes, or in the refrigerator for 1 hour. *If the dough starts offevolved to reduce too much and fights rolling out any extra, fold it into thirds and let it rest inside the fridge for 10 mins before unfolding and attempting again.
  7. Repeat steps five-6 two greater instances, so you have achieved a total of 3 "turns", on every occasion rolling from the fast give up out, so the dough is circled every time.
  8. Remove dough from the fridge, and cut in half of, from one long cease to the opposite. Wrap one half up in plastic wrap and hold in the fridge whilst you roll and cut out the primary half of. Roll the alternative half of out onto a floured surface, to a rectangle approximately 8x15 inches. Dough should be among 1/four-half inch thick. Refrigerate if important, for about 10 minutes in this rolled out form, so dough is company but nonetheless manageable whilst you roll it out inside the subsequent steps
  9. Using a ruler at the long give up of the dough, make a mark with a knife at 5 inches, and preserve each 5 inches until you have 3 five-inch sections marked off.
  10. 10. Turn dough so contrary lengthy cease is going through you. On this lengthy cease, make a mark 2 half of inches in from the threshold, and then measure 5 inches from that notch, and every 5 inches after that.
  11. Using a ruler and a sharp knife or pizza cutter, cut diagonal strains, beginning from the top proper nook, right down to the left to the notch on the alternative quit. The  quit cuts of this rectangle might be scraps, so the primary one reduce will appearance very small. Continue all the way throughout, and then repeat going the other way, to create four massive triangles, and two stop pieces.
  12. Take one triangle and flip it over. Dust the excess flour off. Gently stretch it along with your palms or a rollingpin, without putting too much stress on it, to elongate it to about 10 inches lengthy. With the huge end dealing with you and the factor facing away, make a notch with a knife in the center of the extensive stop, about an inch deep. Start rolling from the slit out, developing  "legs". Keep rolling dough forward tightly, however lightly, all of the manner to the give up, leaving the tail give up of dough beneath the croissant. Gently pull the edges of the dough towards you to create a crescent shape, and vicinity the dough on a parchment covered cookie sheet. Repeat with final triangles.
  13. Repeat steps eight-12 with the reserved half of of dough, beginning with rolling the dough right into a rectangle. You must grow to be with 10-12 huge croissants.
  14. Next step is to proof the croissants. You can do that 3 ways: (1) permit the rolled croissants proof slowly in the refrigerator in a single day, (2) allow croissants evidence out at the counter in a groovy area for three hours, (3) allow croissants proof in a barely warm area for 1 hour. I favor to let them evidence slowly within the refrigerator overnight, because this helps broaden the flavor greater completely.
  15. If croissants proofed inside the fridge, remove them and allow them to come to room temperature at the counter, about 2 hours. When dough is proofed, the croissants could be puffy, but no longer doubled in size. When the baking sheet is jiggled, the croissants will jiggle a bit.
  16. Preheat oven to four hundred°F. Prepare eggwash via whisking 1 egg and 1 T. Heavy cream. Gently observe a skinny layer onto each croissant with a pastry brush. Bake sheets separately for approximately 30 minutes, rotating the pan after 15 mins. Croissants will turn a golden brown colour and you will see the flakey layers whilst executed.
  17. Cool on a twine rack completely before serving. Enjoy!

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