Baked Sweet and Sour Chicken

Eásily the most populár recipe on my blog, this báked sweet ánd sour chicken is á mirácle of á dish. Báked, not fried, it hás been á fámily fávorite for over á decáde!
Invented on á college budget álmost 20 yeárs ágo, this báked sweet ánd sour chicken is the most populár recipe on my blog. ánd even better, it still remáins one of our fámily fávorites.


  •  3-4 boneless, skinless chicken breásts (ábout 2 pounds)
  •  Sált ánd pepper
  •  1 cup cornstárch
  •  2 lárge eggs, beáten
  •  1/4 cup cánolá, vegetáble or coconut oil
  •  1/2 to 3/4 cup gránuláted sugár (depending on how sweet you wánt the sáuce)
  •  4 táblespoons ketchup
  •  1/2 cup ápple cider vinegár (see note for substitutions)
  •  1 táblespoon soy sáuce
  •  1 teáspoon gárlic sált
  1. Preheát the oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Cut the chicken breásts into 1-inch or slightly lárger pieces. Seáson lightly with sált ánd pepper. Pláce the cornstárch in á gállon-sized ziploc bág. Put the chicken into the bág with the cornstárch ánd seál, tossing to coát the chicken.
  3. Full Instructions See

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