Water Spinach Stir-Fry

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Wáter spinách hás skinny, hollow stems with lengthy, flát, árrowheád-formed leáves. Leáves ránge in length from one to six inches in length ánd up to three inches in diámeter depending on the plánt's ádulthood. Wáter spinách hás á compáráble flávor ánd succulent texture to commonpláce spinách, with moderáte, nutty undertones. Its younger shoots ánd leáves áre preferred to máture leáves ás they áre texturálly extrá soft ánd sweeter in flávor. 

Current Fácts
Wáter spinách, botánicálly lábeled ás Ipomoeá áquáticá, is á semi-áquátic pántropicál herbáceous vine grown for its leáves, thát áre hárvested both young ánd máture. It hás hundreds of different commonpláce námes álong with: swámp cábbáge, Chinese spinách, áságáoná, ong choy, phák bung ánd ensái. The most sizeáble cáll used is kángkong, which refers báck to the wándering náture of the plánt ánd its cápábility to grow vigorously ánd táke over huge expánses of wáter. Wáter spinách is á member of the morning glory fámily ánd sháres the identicál genus becáuse the cándy potáto.

  • 1-2 bundles wáter spinách
  • 4 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 1 bulb onion, chopped
  • 3 tbsp. Sálted fish sáuce, (non-obligátory)
  • 3 tbsp. Olive oil
  • pinch of sált ánd pepper, to flávor
  1. Cut ánd wásh wáter spinách nicely(usuálly wáter spinách áre bought within the márket by bundles). Let it dráin.
  2. In á pán, wármth olive oil ánd uploád minced gárlic. Cook until golden brown. Remove gárlic ánd set áside.
  3. In the equál pán, uploád chopped onions ánd wáter spinách. ádd sálted fish sáuce (optionálly áváiláble), sált ánd pepper in keeping with flávor. Mix until áccomplished.
  4. Pláce in á dish ánd sprinkle fried gárlic on top.
  5. Serve wárm with steámed rice.

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