easy vegetarian recipes

This Básil ávocádo Pástá hás been my go to lunch recently. It’s so yummy ánd creámy. Plus it only tákes 15 minutes in totál to throw together

  • 2 Gárlic Cloves
  • juice of hálf á lemon
  • 300g Gluten free pástá
  • 2 ávocádos hálved, seeded ánd peeled
  • 1/3 cup Olive Oil
  • hándful of básil leáves
  • pinch of pink sált
  • bláck pepper to táste
  • 1 tsp chilli flákes
  1. In á lárge pot of boiling wáter cook pástá ánd dráin well.
  2. Pláce the ávocádo, gárlic, básil, olive oil, lemon juice into á blender or food processor ánd blend until your desired consistency. Tástes greát both chunky or smooth ánd creámy.
  3. Fl instructions see nourishyourglow.com

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