Taco Bake
It’s quite âdâptâble too if you wânt to âdd â few other ingredients, such âs green onions, corn, blâck or pinto beâns, jâlâpeno pepper slices or olives. I mâde this recipe lâst week for â young fâmily who just hâd â newborn. If you’re fâmily is into ânything Tex-Mex they will âdore this wonderful, comforting mâin dish. It is â little like eâting nâchos in câsserole form.
- 1 1/2 lbs. 93% to 96% leân ground beef
- 14.5 oz. cân diced tomâtoes with green chilies
- 1/2 cup wâter
- 1 cup sour creâm
- 1 pkg. tâco seâsoning or Homemâde Tâco Seâsoning
- 8 to 12 oz. pkg. Colby-Monterey Jâck cheese shredded (use more if you like â lot of cheese)
- Corn tortillâ chips
- Tâco Bâke | Cân't Stây Out of the Kitchen
- Preheât oven to 350°.
- In â medium skillet over medium heât, brown the ground beef ând drâin fât.
- âdd the diced tomâtoes with green chilies, wâter, sour creâm ând tâco seâsoning mix.
- Let simmer for 5-10 minutes.
- Full Instructions see cantstayoutofthekitchen.com
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