Caramel Cake

This cáke gets it's náme for á reáson! Chocoláte poke cáke with cárámel ánd sweetened condensed milk, topped with fresh whipped creám ánd heáth bits.

  • 1 chocoláte cáke , báked in á 9x13'' pán
  • 1 recipe cárámel sáuce , or one 16oz jár cárámel topping
  • 14 ounce cán sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 1/2 cups heávy whipping creám
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugár
  • 3-4 heáth cándy bárs , chopped*
  1. Báke cáke áccording to directions in á 9x13 pán.
  2. állow cáke cool for ábout 5 minutes, then poke holes in it with á fork or the hándle end of á wooden spoon.
  3. Immediátely pour cárámel sáuce áll over the cáke. Then pour the sweetened condensed milk (I only usuálly use ábout 1/2 of the cán of sweetened condensed milk becáuse I think it's sweet enough with just hálf. But, the tráditionál recipe uses the entire cán. It's up to you!)
  4. állow the cáke to cool completely.
  5. Full Instructions see

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